I am a pastry chef and I have developed many desserts that can be served at Passover. This shouldn't be prepared just for the holiday - it's great all...
This is an incredibly easy but wonderful pie recipe to celebrate the Kentucky Derby! It is very rich, but it is great with vanilla ice cream or whipped...
This is one of my husband's favorite pies. I can also say that it is mine as well, and my children sure go for this one. This pie can be baked in small...
Of all pies, pecan is one of the trickiest to make. The problem is in the crust. A fat-filled dough is tender, flaky and flavorful, but likely to tear...
This is a 3 layer pie: the bottom crust, a creamy cheesecake-like layer, and a delicious pecan pie layer on top. Warning: this is very rich, and definitely...
This is made just like a traditional pecan pie, with the addition of chocolate chips. It is very fudgy. It is always the first dessert to go at our family's...
This is my idea of the perfect pecan pie. It has the perfect ratio of crunchy nuts to the sweet, sticky goodness underneath. And thanks to the blind-baking,...
This pie is filled with pecans. It's guaranteed "stick to your teeth" goodness, so don't serve it to the faint of heart, i.e., those finicky about manners!...
My family loves this pie at Thanksgiving, Christmas or really any holiday of the year. So put on some jazz, pour yourself some java, and have a piece of...
Buttery, nutty, and a touch of caramel, this is a very yummy pie! Full of flavor! Serve hot or cold, with a good size dollop of whipped topping or vanilla...
I am a pastry chef and I have developed many desserts that can be served at Passover. This shouldn't be prepared just for the holiday - it's great all...
This is made just like a traditional pecan pie, with the addition of chocolate chips. It is very fudgy. It is always the first dessert to go at our family's...